Squash is normally seen as a sport for elites but yet it has gained popularity in countries like India and Pakistan as well. Sportycious is now bringing everything you want to know about Squash.
Everything you want to know about Squash
Brief Information about Squash
The game of squash is believed to be played at the London Borough of Harrow in the Great Britain, way back in the year 1830. The highest governing body for squash is the World Squash Federation or WSF and it has over a 20, 000, 000 registered members with it. The game of squash is played in a special squash court which looks like a glass cabin and it can be played in both singles and doubles categories. Mixed doubles is also a format of the game of squash. The game of squash represents the family of racquet sport like Tennis and Badminton. Apart from the glass court, the game of Squash can be played outdoors as well. Currently squash is not an Olympic sport, but it has been recognized as a future Olympic sport. Squash is very much part of the Commonwealth Games though.
Squash Equipments
The game of squash is played by a specially designed racquets and a squash ball. Traditionally the squash racquets were made out of ash woods with natural gut strings. But since the mid 1980s the rules for the squash racquet have been changed. Now all the squash racquets are made out of boron, Kevlar, titanium or graphite and the strings are made out of synthetic substance. The modern squash racquets must have a dimension of 686 mm or 27.0 in long and 215 mm or 8.5 inches wide. The maximum strung areas must not exceed 500 square centimeters or 90 square inches. The permitted weight for a squash racquet is maximum of 255 grams or 9.0 oz but normally all the players prefer a squash racquet weighing between 90 and 150 grams which is 3 to 5.3 oz.
The squash balls are having a diameter between 39.5 and 40.5 mm and they weigh between 23 to 25 grams. The squash balls are made out of two pieces of rubber compound which are then glued together, which creates a hollow sphere and then it is buffed with a matte finish. Different kind of squash balls are used for the different level of player experience. Even the speed and bounce is taken care of for all the different kinds of squash balls. More the experience more the slow speed and low bounce is designed for the squash balls.